2021 - 2022 School Report Card
At Randallstown High School, our Grades 9-12 2019-2020 September 30th enrollment indicates that we have 1048 students and our demographics are as follows: 90.74% Black/African American, 1.34% White, 4.2% Hispanic, 1.43% Two or More Races, 2.19% Asian. The proportion of students eligible for receipt of special services are as follows: 0.1% English Learner, 54.96% Free and Reduced Meals, and 12.5% Special Education. The overall enrollment count has increased since 2017-2018.

What do the performance indicators mean?
Academic Achievement
This measures the performance of students in a school who demonstrated proficient skills and knowledge in a student’s academic program. As measured by MCAP, this indicator is comprised of student achievement measures in math and English Language Arts. School points are determined by the percentage of students achieving proficiency, and the school’s average performance level.
Readiness for Post-Secondary Success
This measures the performance of students in a school who are on track for graduation and those students who have completed high school coursework along with a rigorous or comprehensive co-curricular standard. School points are comprised of a school’s percentage of 9th grade students earning at least four credits in required coursework and percentage of graduating or exiting students achieving a rigorous or comprehensive co-curricular standard.
Graduation Rate
This measures the performance of students in a school who graduate with a regular high school diploma. This indicator is comprised of two measures of a cohort of ninth grade students graduating within four years or five years, respectively.
Academic Progress
This measures the performance of students in a school who show meaningful relative growth in math and English Language Arts (Academic Growth) and who demonstrate proficient skills and knowledge in Science and Social Studies, and who pass transitional grade course requirements (Credit for Completion of a Well-Rounded Curriculum). School points are determined for Academic Growth by student growth percentiles, for science and social studies by the percentage of students achieving proficiency, and for credit for completion of a well-rounded curriculum by the percentage of students passing 5th or 8th grade coursework requirements.
Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency
This indicator measures the performance of students in a school who show meaningful growth toward or have attained English language proficiency as measured by the MCAP test for English language learners. The goal for English language learner students is to attain English language proficiency within six years. School points are determined by the percentage of English Learners achieving or making progress towards attaining proficiency.
School Quality and Student Success
This measures the performance of students in a school who regularly attend school, report positive perceptions of their school, and have actively engaged in rigorous and/or co-curricular academic coursework outside of traditional English Language Arts and Mathematics (elementary) or Science and Social Studies (middle). School points are comprised of a school’s percentage of not chronically absent students, school survey results, and measures of access to a well-rounded curriculum.
MSDE Report Card